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- Written by Super User
- Category: Blog
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Dear Midlands 4x4 Club
I write this letter to thank you, the Midlands 4x4 club and all those who sponsored our Dads and Lads Captain Courage on the 30th June 2018. This was truly a special day for our dreamers and their dads.
Reach For A Dream fulfils the dreams of children between the ages of 3 and 18 years of age who suffer with life threatening illnesses. We help inspire hope, by helping our children to believe in the power of dreams. We also run projects like our Captain Courage project, this allows some of our boys to participate in an activity or event that has an element of fear and bravery. We wish to remind them that anything can be overcome with courage and bravery, to not let fear stop them from moving forward.
I would like to thank you all for helping us to remind our boys that no mountain is too big or pathway to tough that I cannot be overcome or crosses. You showed the boys through your vehicles that anything is possible, even that which seems possible. I know the boys were amazed by what you and your vehicles could do and even during some scary crossings, the thrill and excitement one the day for all involved. Thank you for giving our dads and lads a chance to have some quality time together and to experience what real 4x4’ing looks and feels like.
Thank you to all those who sponsored towards the amazing lunch that was given and to the wonderful goodie bags that were given to each father and son. We are so incredibly grateful for all your generosity and kindness. You have helped us make an impact in the lives of fathers and sons. This is a day that they will truly never forget, and in the words of one of our dreamers, that came across the radio…. “This is the best day ever!!!”
Thank you once again for partnering with Reach For A Dream and for putting together a rough and tough Captain Courage for our dreamers. We hope that we can make this an annual event and reach many more children with your support.
Kind regards
Kerry Donkin
KZN Manager
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 19085
The Midlands 4x4 Club once again participated in the annual Cars in the Park event on the 27th May.
We had a number of vehicles on display as well as quite a few vehicles driving around the 4x4 track. Members of the public were able to come along and join our members driving around the track. In order to do so they were all asked to donate towards the Pietermaritzburg SPCA. The public were very generous and a sum of R6377.20 was raised for the SPCA.
Gary handing over the cheque for R6377.20 to Ronnie from the SPCA
Other photos of the day
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 8679
Friday 14th April, the Rotunda car park.
The mist swirling …. we thought we had the wrong date …until … a bright orange Ford Ranger swung into the parking area in spectacular fashion, festooned with recovery gear of every description.
We realized we were in fact in the right place! Perhaps a little under-equipped but alas, the off road store was closed! We would just have to make do.
It was once again the start of a Lesotho trip for the Midlands 4x4 Club. In the next few minutes the convoy started drifting in … all except our fearless leader who had the essential indemnity forms to be signed by all and sundry. Eventually Richard and Heather arrived in the “Marriott-Hotel-on-Wheels” and all the necessary documents were completed.
Under Ronnie and Gary P’s able direction the convoy left with lights a-blazing … destination Underberg. En route the mist lifted thankfully and the sun emerged. We were greeted by a magnificent autumn day. After a quick coffee stop and last refuel at Underberg we continued towards Swartberg and onto the first dirt road en route to Rama’s gate.
An early drama on this trip necessitated a diversion for Ronnie, Gary P, Darryl and Johnno to Matatiele for some much needed spare parts. The rest continued up the escarpment to the border-post and after pleasant formalities on both sides, we were in Lesotho. A reasonably cobbled road led us on to our first stop – Sehlabathebe National Park. We all stopped at the newly built admin offices and registration was straightforward and efficient.
By now the weather was changing with threatening black storm clouds swirling above and the temperature dropping. With increasing wind amongst the peaks we set off along the winding road to the campsite.